本片讲述了,在30年代的美国,一个谋杀儿童的连环杀手Albert Fish的故事。
A solid thriller about Albert Fish (a very fine performance by Patrick Bauchau), the real life serial killer of children in 1930's America. Fish seemed...
After reserving their dream wedding package at Niagara Falls, Dean and Darren learn they've booked themselves in a run-down motor lodge sandwiched between two chemical plants run by some guy named...
影片主要采用讽刺的手法,"虚构"了一段历史背景, 如果当年南北战争结果是主张畜奴的南方赢了,美国不叫"美利坚合众国the United States of America",而是成了" 美利坚联盟国 the Confederate States of America ",那么这个国家会呈现了什样的发展? 整个叙事方式就像在看History...