A 16 year old Carol is going through a period of major changes in her life. On the one hand, Carol has to deal with her mother's marriage to her new boyfriend and the impending relationship with...
Unlock the secrets of the Dragon Eye and come face to face with more dragons than anyone has ever imagined as Hiccup, Toothless and the Dragon Riders soar to the edge of adventure....
When Paula leaves Rio de Janeiro to resume her work as a volunteer doctor in the Amazon, Teto hatches an impulsive plan to follow her and chaos ensues....
卡尔文(托马斯·伊恩·尼古拉斯 Thomas Ian Nicholas 饰)是一个特别机灵的孩子,在一场棒球比赛中,他从地上的裂缝穿越到了中世纪的凯摩洛德王朝。原来,国王式微,贪婪的贝拉斯克勋爵(阿特·马里克 Art Malik 饰)对王位虎视眈眈,梅林(朗·穆迪 Ron Moody 饰)将卡尔文召唤于此,希望他作为骑士保护国王的安全。 贝拉斯克勋爵很快就意识到,卡尔文是他升官发财道路上的绊...
At 86, writer Robert Caro is working to complete the final volume of his masterpiece, “The Lyndon Johnson Years“; its editor Robert Gottlieb, 91, waits to edit it. This unique double portrait reveal...
黑火药(迈克尔•加•怀特 Michael Jai White 饰)是黑人区知名的功夫高手、平民英雄。他的弟弟吉米新近被贩毒团伙杀害,同时掌握权势的参议员又取消了禁毒计划,结果导致街区毒品泛滥,于公于私,黑火药都必须捣毁贩毒团伙,然而和他一起参加过越战的中情局昔日同侪却警告他不能轻举妄动。这怎么可能阻止黑火药?这个到处留情身怀绝技的奇男子找来搭档“牛角”、“奶油玉米”,以及一票革命战士,向贩毒集...