Since his father found a mysterious package and heard the eerie sounds of an indigenous tribe, ARDI and his family have experienced strange events. SUCIPTO (his father), MARNI (his mother), and ARIF (...
「每一件事情都能激發我的靈感,有時候我感覺我能看到別人看不到的東西 。」Norman Foster。英國建築師 Norman Forster 為高技派代表人物,曾提出建造世界第一大廈的前衛觀點,是當代建築中最具遠見的思想家,這部電影即紀錄 Norman Forster 的生平,以及他致力用設計讓生活更多采多姿的堅定追求。本片探 Norman Foster 的代表作,及其創作靈感來源,如...
An illegal Filipino entertainer in Japan, Manuel, meets a bankrupt Japanese businessman, Shigeru. After knowing the whereabouts of a high-profile serial killer at large, the two men decide to capture ...
Maxim Shugalei the sociologist and Samer Suifan his interpreter are finally returning back to Russia after a long imprisonment in the Libyan Mitiga prison. A few months later, Shugalei is approached b...