Russian sociologist Maxim Shugalei and his colleague interpreter Samer Suifan are still imprisoned in a Libya. For more than a year now they tortured and psychologically abused. Nevertheless while imp...
瑞典政党领袖大卫·霍尔斯特(伯恩·谢尔曼 Björn Kjellman 饰)风流倜傥、幽默成熟,是下一届总理候选人的有力竞争者。英俊风趣的大卫被普遍看好,大家都认为大卫可以轻而易举的赢得这次选举的胜利。然而众望所归的胜利却遭遇了滑铁卢,对手政党获得选举胜利,并将在未来的四年中领导国家。就在大卫心灰意冷的时候,不期而遇的爱情却意外的降临到了大卫身上。然而这却是一场最不该发生的感情,已婚的大卫居然爱上...
It is said that laughter is at its best when a smile breaks through tears. The name of the Italian-born world citizen Andrea Magnani should not be unknown to the audiences of PFF. Those who still reme...