Do we truly know one another? Every one of us has three lives: a public, a private and secret one. What we once stored in our memories is now being stored in our phones - what happens when these are m...
In 1978, a high-ranking spy from the Eastern Bloc defected to the West. Creators Adina Sădeanu and Kirsten Peters use this as a starting point for a game of spy poker between the CIA, Securitate, KGB ...
Detective Inspector Alex Ridley, who is lured back into service as a consultant detective when his former protégée, Carol Farman, needs help cracking a complex murder case....
佩内洛普·克鲁兹、路易斯·托萨尔([囚室211])将主演新片[边缘故事](On the Fringe,暂译)。该片为演员胡安·迭戈·博托执导的长片处女作。影片将3个发生在24小时内的故事交织在一起:积极的律师Rafael(托萨尔饰)的故事;Azucena(克鲁兹饰)的故事,她是一个为拯救儿子而斗争的女人,新一轮的经济危机摧毁了她的生活;Teodora的故事,她是一个希望与儿子告别的祖母。该片将...
青年马利克(Tahar Rahim 饰)因参与犯罪活动被判刑六年,在监狱里,他很快因自己的一半阿拉伯血统被科西嘉帮派领袖卢西亚尼(Niels Arestrup 饰)注意,后者强逼马利克刺杀一名阿拉伯犯人,马利克完成了任务,在监狱生涯中得到卢西亚尼帮派的保护。一年后监狱转移部分科西嘉犯人,卢西亚尼势力大减,视学会了科西嘉语的马利克为眼耳,同时马利克在监狱学校中补习不辍,不久马利克得到白天外出工作...