人间与地狱,自古订下了休战契约,只要契约一日无人逾越,地狱邪魔便不能作怪。千百年来,两界一直相安无事。然而,地狱之中,一股酝酿已久的邪恶势力悄然蓄势待发...... 能够行走于天地两界的暴君弩阿达王子(鲁克·高斯 Luke Goss 饰),妄图用鲜血唤醒无敌的魔兽军团,用地狱之火焚烧人间。在他的血的召唤下,地狱深处蛰伏已久的魔兽们纷纷冲出地底。面对无坚不摧的黄金军团,唯一能拯救人间免于堕入炼狱的...
Stewie and Brian form a children's band that threatens to fall apart when Olivia gets involved, while Chris gets a job managing Quagmire's sex life....
Lois decides to get LASIK surgery, but exploits her failing vision for personal gain; Peter, Chris and Stewie have to partake in activities with Doug that are neglected by his father....
Stewie finally says his first word - and it's a swear, leaving Lois shunned by the other moms, so she tries to figure out where Stewie could've heard i...
When the brewery announces it will be firing one employee, the family take Peter on a cruise to calm his nerves, but the trip doesn't go as planned....