Ross (Turner) must defend Cornwall from an empowered George Warleggan (Jack Farthing), and risks everything he holds dear as he embarks on a political journey which takes him to the nation's cap...
Tom Kane(凯尔希·格兰莫)是“风城”芝加哥的市长,可以说他就是位于这座城市权力之网中心的那只大蜘蛛,这个网同时也是权力与进步达成的契约之网。 人们希望被领导,争端被解决,工作被分配,忠诚被回报,如果必须通过骗术与违背道德的方式才能达成这一切,Tom Kane觉得也未尝不可。只要任务完成了,人们便会另眼相看。 尽管他算是近几年来成绩斐然的一位市长,渐渐显现的老年痴呆症的魔爪却在将...
When Anya starts behaving like his recently-deceased mother, Emmett must confront his deepest traumas to free his fiancee from this bewildering possession....