BBC One的3集迷你剧《英式丑闻 A Very English Scandal》根据Jeremy Thorpe的真人真事所改篇。在60年代末英国才刚刚对同性恋除罪化,而当时作为自由党领袖,以及百年来英国政党中最年轻的领袖,Jeremy Thorpe(Hugh Grant饰)隐藏着一个秘密 – 他有一个前同性恋人 Norman Scott(Ben Whishaw饰)。 只要Norman Sco...
The post-apocalyptic mystery-thriller will follow a night watchman who finishes his shift at work to discover that everyone in the world who went to sleep the previous night has died. He and a band of...
Adapted from Culpables Series by Mercedes Ron. A different version from the original Culpa mía.
An 18-year-old girl moves from America to London with her mother and wealthy stepfather. She meets he...
Arine’s difficult financial situation forces her to return to her hometown, where she takes a job interpreting between a farm’s seasonal workers from Guatemala and their Canadian employers. Although s...
该剧改编自马修·奎克的同名小说,第一季结尾,FBI基层探员彼得·苏德兰(加布里埃尔·巴索 Gabriel Basso 饰)因拯救总统而立下大功。本季中,他将正式成为暗夜行动的一分子,然而,加入这个绝密组织,也意味着投身危机四伏、尔虞我诈的世界。...